My next book due for publication later this year is:
The Inside Story of Corporate Greed. This is the sensational account of the corporate greed that drives the disasters and scandals which afflict individuals, markets, and nations throughout the global financial markets. When Dogs Eat Dogs serves up true accounts from the dark side of the global marketplace that reveal how traders profit from the failure and, often, the financial ruin of others.
I will be exposing the characters, the tactics, the strategies, and the tricks used to manipulate the marketplace and line the pockets of unscrupulous financiers with tens of billions of dollars. My intention is for this non-fiction book to read like a fictional thriller as it dramatically unpeels the dark secrets used by greedy bankers and their investors waging war against the stock market by profiting from the misery of others.
The latest Wensley Clarkson books published in 2020, 2021 and 2022 include the following: